We are happy to report that at 8 pm this evening (Tuesday, May 31), the good ship “Montana” (as in Pontiac) with trailer in tow and a precious cargo of 6 arrived here. Yes, Andrew, Colleen and their four children have now moved to Ontario and will be living in their house which is on property adjacent to the other side of the farm (see http://burkinshawfarm.com/cottage-improvements/). It will be great having them so close by and for the farm to become more literally ‘multi-generational.’
They made excellent time driving across the country, taking only 5 days to drive about 4,500 kilometres. They also seemed to be in very good spirits after so much time cooped up in the van. Tomorrow they get settled in their house and Andrew starts work to get ready for his bees which will come at the end of the week.

3 Responses
Jayne Cummins
How wonderful to see that all the Burkinshaws are now happily on site – so much delightful Grandparent time ahead!
jenny goshulak
So thankful everyone arrived safely and in such good spirits,,what bravery!
Love the photos, too!
Ted Goshulak
Must be nice to have them all arrive safely. They must have made good time.