No, we have not acquired horses; but we do enjoy seeing the horses that a neighbour raises on her farm about 1 km down the road from us. Known as the Norwegian Fjord horse, this strong and hardy breed was used to work on the mountainous farms of Norway for centuries. Its heavy mane, unlike the mane in most breeds, stands up when clipped. Neighbour Marg’s horses are well known in the area and people often drive down Morrison Point Road to look at them and take pictures, especially this summer because several new foals were born. The horses have been featured in the work of at least one professional photographer (e.g., see Darlene Shantz photography)

Some family members would like us to acquire horses for the farm soon but several of us (i.e., those who do the daily chores!) think that we have plenty enough to do for the next while. In fact, I must apologize for our busyness slowing down our blogging these days. Some have wondered if we had disappeared, with about three weeks since the last blog post. No, we have not disappeared but have been very busy with animals (including sending two pigs to the butcher), planting trees in the landscaping, teaching at the LLC in Ottawa and (Bob) travelling to a nephew’s wedding in Alberta. We hope to pick up the blogging pace again in the next while.

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