Kids with kids

Posted in: family, Goats | 0

Our two grandchildren from Toronto brought three of their friends for a visit this past weekend. The highlight of the weekend, of course, was the animals. While they loved the baby chicks which had just arrived the day before (a separate post coming on those), the day old chicks weren’t able to take too much excitement so the visits with them were limited to a few minutes at a time. It was the goats, particularly the kids, which kept most of the five children enthralled for a good part of the time.

Younger kids w. goats
Younger kids with the kids. Note that the field was a long narrow strip. As part of disease and parasite control, we are trying to move the goats every few days to a new paddock. We were waiting for our flail mower attachment for the walk-behind tractor to be repaired so that we could make new paddocks in the partially wooded areas and were beginning to run out of grass in the front field. We now have them in a great goat area with bushes, grass and rocks.


older kids with Pinto
Our oldest grand daughter and her friend spent hours with the goats, especially this friendly 4 month old doeling they named “Pinto.”




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