My new Ferrari

Posted in: Farm Life, Weather | 1

Yes, I am the proud owner of a new Ferrari. It is NOT because farming is lucrative! Neither is it because I always wanted a sports car. Instead, it is because we decided that we needed a snow blower attachment for … Continued


Posted in: Farm Life, Weather | 1

It was wonderful this past  Saturday to wake up to rain and then have it coming down on and off all day, sometimes heavily, with lightning and some good cracks of thunder. And then more rain fell yesterday.  In total between the two … Continued

Blame BC!

Posted in: Weather | 0

Welcome to April and its “polar vortex!” For the third time in four days we have had some snow and blustery winds. The temperature has also been cold, getting down to about  -10 C  at night and sometimes not making it up to … Continued

Ray of Sunshine

Posted in: Gardens, Weather | 1

It has been gloomy, cloudy, blustery and showery the past few days. The snow is gone but mud is everywhere. I know that the muddy season needs to come before Spring really arrives but it has been so thick and dirty that I … Continued

Sun’s power

Posted in: Weather | 0

It has been cold this past week with lows in the minus 15 – 20 C range and highs between minus 5 and minus 10 most days. But (and this is not just the optimist in me speaking!) the March … Continued

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